From Fallback to Spring Forward: Bringing our better selves in times of complexity

It’s time to get into some theory! (She writes with geekiness oozing through the screen.) Truly, I do love me some theory. And, some research. Yet, I’ve grown disenchanted with writing it up in awkward third-person narrative for only the people who have access to academic databases and peer-reviewed journals to read.

Let’s get it into the hands of the people. Let’s make it available and readable to those who could care less about the methodology I used to conduct my research, but really want to know why they had one set of capabilities to show up three minutes ago and find themselves in this moment reduced to the emotional and relational capacities of a toddler. I wrote and published the below article on Monday on Medium. 

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After the Rain

It’s Spring Break for the kiddos. And, it’s been raining all week.  Rain is hardly ever a welcome meteorologic phenomenon in my world.  It’s become even less-so during this time of lockdown.  We have so very few options for respite from the walls that surround us, from each other, from the staid repetition of our Groundhog Days.  Yet, the melancholy that accompanies the rain is not a phenomenon isolated within this time of pandemic.  Not for me at least.  This week’s deluge took me back to this time almost a year ago. A time of uncertainty tinged with hope.  I wrote then…

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Lost and Found

In November, I lost my wedding and engagement rings. I love my rings, but I don’t wear them all the time. Only when I’m going out do I really put on any jewelry. I opened the dryer one day and found my engagement ring lying under the jeans. I didn’t even realize it had been lost. Suddenly I recalled that the night before when I was putting lotion on Sloane, I slipped the rings off and put them in my pocket. Then I forgot all about them. So tumble-dried engagement ring – here. Where’s the wedding ring? I searched the dryer, shaking each of the jeans that inhabited it.  Nothing.

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Self-care tip #2: Do what you love + other ramblings + addendum to “signs” post

There are many things that we cannot do now.  Yet, there are no doubt things that you love to do, that in the course of your normal life what with the kids’ sports and activities schedule, your own social calendar, work commitments, in short, life as you knew it when you were able to leave your home… you had a hard time finding time for.  Remember what that thing is, and do it. 

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