Eleanor Rigby

Waits at the window

Wearing the face that she keeps in a jar by the door

Who is it for?

The Beatles, “Eleanor Rigby”

Two weeks ago, I emailed a friend.  I wrote, “At this moment (and this could easily shift in the next moment), I seem to be settling in to acceptance of this…as it is.  It feels less of a struggle…less of a longing for what comes next.”  One-hundred moments later, I sat with Sloane trying to teach her to write her letters correctly. I could see she was getting more and more deflated as I emphasized which letters go from the first floor to the basement of the letter “house” and which are first and second floor letters.  Yet, I persisted having her practice writing them until she had them correct. Practice makes perfect.  Her brow drooped.  Her head hung lower.  Then she looked at me and said, “You’re mean!” And, I crumbled. 

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After the Rain

It’s Spring Break for the kiddos. And, it’s been raining all week.  Rain is hardly ever a welcome meteorologic phenomenon in my world.  It’s become even less-so during this time of lockdown.  We have so very few options for respite from the walls that surround us, from each other, from the staid repetition of our Groundhog Days.  Yet, the melancholy that accompanies the rain is not a phenomenon isolated within this time of pandemic.  Not for me at least.  This week’s deluge took me back to this time almost a year ago. A time of uncertainty tinged with hope.  I wrote then…

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Lost and Found

In November, I lost my wedding and engagement rings. I love my rings, but I don’t wear them all the time. Only when I’m going out do I really put on any jewelry. I opened the dryer one day and found my engagement ring lying under the jeans. I didn’t even realize it had been lost. Suddenly I recalled that the night before when I was putting lotion on Sloane, I slipped the rings off and put them in my pocket. Then I forgot all about them. So tumble-dried engagement ring – here. Where’s the wedding ring? I searched the dryer, shaking each of the jeans that inhabited it.  Nothing.

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