Grown-Ass Woman Meltdown #1

So far, the musings on this website have been largely absent the fallback episodes that pepper my days.  Lest you think it’s because I’m sailing through my newfound roles and newfound co-habitating-while-co-working waters at a graceful and efficient clip, allow me to disabuse you of that notion.  Let me assure you that there have been many “I need a moment” proclamations followed by intentional deep breathing to allow me to recover and return to my day without losing my shit – inwardly and outwardly.  In fact, it’s probably because my fallback occurs many times a day in many micro forms, that I haven’t tended to write about them. After all, I am in the midst of learning-while-doing my new full-time job homeschooling a kindergartener and a fourth grader. It’s hard to find the time to document all the small episodes during which I don’t show up my Big Self.  Both, because the time is scarce and the fallbacks are plenty.

Continue reading “Grown-Ass Woman Meltdown #1”

Self-care tip #2: Do what you love + other ramblings + addendum to “signs” post

There are many things that we cannot do now.  Yet, there are no doubt things that you love to do, that in the course of your normal life what with the kids’ sports and activities schedule, your own social calendar, work commitments, in short, life as you knew it when you were able to leave your home… you had a hard time finding time for.  Remember what that thing is, and do it. 

Continue reading “Self-care tip #2: Do what you love + other ramblings + addendum to “signs” post”

Self-care tip #1: Calgon

Well, not Calgon specifically. Unless that’s your jam…and, if you can still find it. In any case, what I’m trying to say is take a long, hot, luxurious bath. Use whatever product will “take you away”. I recommend the fancy one that someone gave you and you’ve saved in your bathroom cabinet waiting for a special occasion to spoil yourself.

This is it. This is the time to celebrate the little things. Like having a moment to yourself to take a bath. “Treat yo self” (for you Parks and Rec fans). Put on your favorite playlist. Close your eyes. Breathe.

Last night, I soaked in the tub with my John Denver Radio on Pandora playing. (Don’t judge me.) I swayed. I sang out loud. Loggins and Messina. The Beatles. Yes, John Denver, too. I let the songs take me to other times in my life…the lyrics and melody serving as muscle memory…times of joy, times of despair. And, I remembered. This, too, is a moment.

Signs that don’t wear signs

Four months ago, I began to fiercely protect the sanctuary of my being space.  Yes, it was 9 months ago that I left my job to set out on this path to being. But for the first 2 months, I was spending the summer with my kids. Then, what being looked like to me was being in the company of others…friends who are also colleagues in the field of adult development. We’re an international crew, so this takes a virtual form most of the time.  My calendar was filled with zoom video chats. My husband would say I was the busiest non-working person he knew. Continue reading “Signs that don’t wear signs”

Fallback in the age of Coronavirus

Let me share with you what brought me here…to emerge from my cocoon, to create this website, to put back on one of the parts of my identity that I had shed.

Perhaps this is what brought you here, too. Continue reading “Fallback in the age of Coronavirus”