Self-care tip #1: Calgon

Well, not Calgon specifically. Unless that’s your jam…and, if you can still find it. In any case, what I’m trying to say is take a long, hot, luxurious bath. Use whatever product will “take you away”. I recommend the fancy one that someone gave you and you’ve saved in your bathroom cabinet waiting for a special occasion to spoil yourself.

This is it. This is the time to celebrate the little things. Like having a moment to yourself to take a bath. “Treat yo self” (for you Parks and Rec fans). Put on your favorite playlist. Close your eyes. Breathe.

Last night, I soaked in the tub with my John Denver Radio on Pandora playing. (Don’t judge me.) I swayed. I sang out loud. Loggins and Messina. The Beatles. Yes, John Denver, too. I let the songs take me to other times in my life…the lyrics and melody serving as muscle memory…times of joy, times of despair. And, I remembered. This, too, is a moment.

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